Jack has been a hobbyist woodcarver for 80 years. 80 years, people! He’s been a faithful reader of Chip Chats Magazine for many years and it’s always been his dream to have one of his wood carvings published in Chip Chats. Enter his wife Marilyn, who hatched a plan to make Jack’s dream come true.
Marilyn knew that in order to get Jack’s carving published, she needed really good photos, no fuzzy iPhone shots. She reached out to me, snagged Jack’s favorite carving, and we set up a secret photo shoot. Jack and Marilyn’s daughter, Cynthia, wrote a lovely profile about her dad and his carvings and send it off to Chip Chats along with the photos. Just a few short months later, Marilyn handed Jack the newest issue and I’m told the look on his face was priceless when he realized his Indian on Pinto Pony carving was featured.